

  • python 2.7 (to check the version, open a shell prompt and type: python --version)
  • pip and setuptools (extensions for python package installation)
  • scons (build tool)
  • zlib (compression/decompression)
  • numpy (array support for python)
  • networkx (data structures for graphs)

To install pip, setuptools, scons, zlib and numpy:

  • Ubuntu and Debian: sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools scons libz-dev python-numpy
  • Fedora and Redhat: sudo yum install python-pip python-setuptools scons zlib-devel numpy
  • Mac (using Macports): sudo port install py27-pip py27-setuptools scons zlib-devel py27-numpy

To install networks (all platforms): sudo pip install networkx

Installing from source


If you are interested in contributing to development or running the latest source code, grab the git version. First, install the requirements and the development tools:

  • Ubuntu & Debian: sudo apt-get install git gitk
  • Fedora & Redhat: sudo yum install git gitk
  • Mac: sudo port install git-core +doc +bash_completion +gitweb

To install nose (testing, all platforms): sudo pip install nose


  1. Clone the timagetk repository git clone
  2. Change directory to timagetk
  3. Run python develop --user
  4. Check that timagetk has been added to your .bashrc file
  5. If it is not the case, add the following lines to the bottom of your .bashrc file:
    • timagetk_path=/path/to/timagetk/folder
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${timagetk_path}/timagetk/build-scons/lib
  6. Open a new shell prompt
  7. Type nosetests -v to execute the tests


To build timagetk‘s dynamic documentation (sphinx), open a shell prompt and type:

  • sudo pip install -U Sphinx

Go to the timagetk/timagetk/doc/ folder and type:

  • make html

Open the file: timagetk/timagetk/build/html/index.html