.. _ref_installation: ************* Installation ************* Requirements ************ * python 2.7 (to check the version, open a shell prompt and type: ``python --version``) * `pip `_ and setuptools (extensions for python package installation) * `scons `_ (build tool) * `zlib `_ (compression/decompression) * `numpy `_ (array support for python) * `networkx `_ (data structures for graphs) To install pip, setuptools, scons, zlib and numpy: * **Ubuntu and Debian:** ``sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools scons libz-dev python-numpy`` * **Fedora and Redhat:** ``sudo yum install python-pip python-setuptools scons zlib-devel numpy`` * **Mac** (using `Macports `_): ``sudo port install py27-pip py27-setuptools scons zlib-devel py27-numpy`` To install networks (all platforms): ``sudo pip install networkx`` Installing from source ********************** Github ====== If you are interested in contributing to development or running the latest source code, grab the git version. First, install the requirements and the development tools: * **Ubuntu & Debian:** ``sudo apt-get install git gitk`` * **Fedora & Redhat:** ``sudo yum install git gitk`` * **Mac**: ``sudo port install git-core +doc +bash_completion +gitweb`` To install `nose `_ (testing, all platforms): ``sudo pip install nose`` Then: #. Clone the timagetk repository ``git clone https://github.com/VirtualPlants/timagetk.git`` #. Change directory to timagetk #. Run ``python setup.py develop --user`` #. Check that timagetk has been added to your .bashrc file #. If it is not the case, add the following lines to the bottom of your .bashrc file: * timagetk_path=/path/to/timagetk/folder * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${timagetk_path}/timagetk/build-scons/lib #. Open a new shell prompt #. Type ``nosetests -v`` to execute the tests ************* Documentation ************* To build **timagetk**'s dynamic documentation (`sphinx `_), open a shell prompt and type: * ``sudo pip install -U Sphinx`` Go to the **timagetk/timagetk/doc/** folder and type: * ``make html`` Open the file: **timagetk/timagetk/build/html/index.html**