
All sample scripts can be found in the folder timagetk/timagetk/examples/ and can be launched.

For example, to run the script input_output.py, open a shell prompt, go the the folder examples and type: python input_output.py


This example illustrates input and output operations (see Package Components).

The resulting images (see folder timagetk/timagetk/examples/results/) can be checked against the reference image by using any image visualization tool (such as TissueLab or fiji).

# imports
    from timagetk.components import SpatialImage
    from timagetk.components import imread, imsave
    from timagetk.util import data_path
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')

out_path = './results/' # to save results
# input image path
img_path = data_path('time_0_cut.inr')
# .inr format to SpatialImage
sp_img = imread(img_path)
# sp_img is now a SpatialImage instance
if isinstance(sp_img, SpatialImage):
    # get the SpatialImage metadata, accessor
    metadata = sp_img.get_metadata() # dictionary
    # print the SpatialImage metadata
    print('Metadata :'), metadata
    # metadata modification
    metadata['filename'] = img_path
    # set the SpatialImage metadata, mutator
    # print the SpatialImage metadata
    print('New metadata :'), sp_img.get_metadata()
    # get the SpatialImage voxelsize (list of floating numbers)
    vox = sp_img.get_voxelsize()
    # print the SpatialImage voxelsize
    print('Voxelsize :'), vox
    # voxelsize modification
    new_vox = [] # empty list
    for ind, val in enumerate(vox):
    # set the SpatialImage voxelsize, mutator
    print('New voxelsize :'), sp_img.get_voxelsize()

    # output
    # filename
    res_name = 'example_input_output.tif'
    # SpatialImage to .tif format
    imsave(out_path+res_name, sp_img)
    # filename
    res_name = 'example_input_output.inr'
    # SpatialImage to .inr format
    imsave(out_path+res_name, sp_img)

You can find a detailed description of:

Rigid, affine and deformable registration

This example illustrates rigid, affine and deformable registration (see Module Registration).

A registration process requires two input images (floating_img and reference_img) and computes:

  • a spatial transformation trsf_out between the two input images,
  • a result image img_res corresponding to the floating image resampled into the reference frame.

The resulting images (see folder timagetk/timagetk/examples/results/) can be checked against the reference image by using any image visualization tool (such as TissueLab or fiji).

# imports
    from timagetk.util import data_path
    from timagetk.components import imread, imsave
    from timagetk.plugins import registration
    #from timagetk.wrapping.bal_trsf import BalTransformation
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')

out_path = './results/' # to save results
# we consider two different times
# time_1 is the floating image
# time_2 is the reference image
times = [1, 2]
# list of SpatialImage instances
list_images = [imread(data_path('time_' + str(time) + '.inr'))
               for time in times]
floating_img, reference_img = list_images[0], list_images[1]

# Rigid registration:
trsf_rig, res_rig = registration(floating_img,
# display the spatial transformation (4x4 matrix):
# save the spatial transformation:
res_name = 'example_trsf_rigid.trsf' # filename
# save the result image:
res_name = 'example_reg_rigid_1_2.tif' # filename
# SpatialImage to .tif format
imsave(out_path+res_name, res_rig)

# Affine registration:
trsf_aff, res_aff = registration(floating_img,
res_name = 'example_reg_affine_1_2.tif' # filename
# SpatialImage to .tif format
imsave(out_path+res_name, res_aff)

# Deformable registration:
trsf_def, res_def = registration(floating_img,
res_name = 'example_reg_deformable_1_2.tif' # filename
# SpatialImage to .tif format
imsave(out_path+res_name, res_def)

# Save the reference image:
res_name = 'example_reg_reference.tif' # filename
# SpatialImage to .tif format
imsave(out_path+res_name, reference_img)

Sequence Registration

This example illustrates rigid and affine registration along a whole sequence (see Module Sequence registration).

This process requires a list of images (a sequence) and computes:

  • a list of spatial transformations list_compo_trsf between successive images and the reference image,
  • a list of result images list_res_img corresponding to the successive images resampled into the reference frame.

By default, the reference image is the last image of the sequence and all images are resampled into this frame. The resulting images (see folder timagetk/timagetk/examples/results/) can be checked against the reference image by using any image visualization tool (such as TissueLab or fiji).

# imports
    from timagetk.util import data_path
    from timagetk.components import imread, imsave
    from timagetk.plugins import sequence_registration
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')

out_path = './results/' # to save results
# we consider three different times
# time_0 is the floating image
# time_1 is first the local reference image,
# and becames the floating image
# time_2 is the global reference image
times = [0, 1, 2]
# list of SpatialImage instances
list_images = [imread(data_path('time_' + str(time) + '.inr'))
               for time in times]

# Rigid registration along the whole sequence:
# list_compo_trsf : list of transformations
# list_res_img : list of resulting images
# the primitive embeds an iterative registration
list_compo_trsf, list_res_img = sequence_registration(list_images,
for ind, img in enumerate(list_res_img):
    # filenames
    res_name = ''.join(['example_seq_reg_rigid_', str(ind), '_',
                        str(times[-1]), '.inr'])
    # SpatialImage to .inr format
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img)

# Affine registration alog the whole sequence:
list_compo_trsf, list_res_img = sequence_registration(list_images,
for ind, img in enumerate(list_res_img):
    # filenames
    res_name = ''.join(['example_seq_reg_affine_', str(ind), '_',
                        str(times[-1]), '.inr'])
    # SpatialImage to .inr format
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img)

Seeded-watershed segmentation

This example illustrates seeded-watershed segmentation.

# imports
    from timagetk.util import data_path
    from timagetk.components import imread, imsave
    from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering, morphology
    from timagetk.plugins import h_transform
    from timagetk.plugins import region_labeling, segmentation
    from timagetk.plugins import labels_post_processing
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')

out_path = './results/' # to save results
# we consider an input image
# SpatialImage instance
input_img = imread(data_path('input.tif'))

# optional denoising block
smooth_img = linear_filtering(input_img, std_dev=2.0,
asf_img = morphology(smooth_img, max_radius=3,

ext_img = h_transform(asf_img, h=150,
con_img = region_labeling(ext_img, low_threshold=1,
seg_img = segmentation(smooth_img, con_img, control='first',

# optional post processig block
pp_img = labels_post_processing(seg_img, radius=1,

res_name = 'example_segmentation.tif'
imsave(out_path+res_name, pp_img)

Computation of features

This example illustrates computation of geometrical features on labeled images. This process requires a labeled image and computes several features such as moments, spatial relationships, etc. This algorithm returns a dictionary that can be pickled (see pickle module).

# imports
import numpy as np
    from timagetk.util import data_path
    from timagetk.components import imread
    from timagetk.algorithms import GeometricalFeatures
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

out_path = './results/' # to save results
# We consider two different times
times = [3,4]
list_images = [imread(data_path('time_' + str(time) + '_seg.inr'))
                for time in times] # list of SpatialImage
feature_space_list = []
for ind, time in enumerate(times):
    segmentation = list_images[ind] # segmentations
    labels = np.unique(segmentation).tolist() # labels
    background_id = np.min(labels)
    labels.remove(background_id) # remove background
    int_seg = GeometricalFeatures(segmentation, label=labels) # GeometricalFeatures object
    feature_space_dict = int_seg.compute_feature_space(background_id=background_id) # compute feature space

for ind, time in enumerate(times):
    pkl_path = ''.join([out_path, 'example_geom_feat_time_', str(times[ind]), '.pkl'])
    out = open(str(pkl_path), 'wb')
    # save as pickle object (serialization)
    pickle.dump(feature_space_list[ind], out)

sp_label = 137
print('Retrieve information for the label :'), sp_label
print('Label : '), str(sp_label), feature_space_list[0][sp_label]
print('Label : '), str(sp_label), feature_space_list[1][sp_label]
Label :  137 {'Neighbors': [32, 124, 149, 195, 282, 297, 298, 312],
              'Distances': {32: 5.28, 195: 6.963, 297: 4.348, 298: 5.989,
                           149: 5.8, 312: 4.783, 282: 5.665, 124: 7.703},
              'Bounding box volume': 12180,
              'Physical centroid': (55.428, 62.878, 1.191),
              'Label': 137, 'Bounding box size': (29, 30, 14),
              'Physical volume': 117.329, 'Index centroid': (186, 211, 3),
              'Bounding box': (172, 200, 197, 226, 0, 13)}

Temporal tracking

This example illustrates tracking of objects on labeled images.

# imports
import numpy as np
    from timagetk.util import data_path
    from timagetk.components import imread, imsave, SpatialImage
    from timagetk.plugins import labels_post_processing
    from timagetk.algorithms import GeometricalFeatures
    from timagetk.algorithms import TemporalMatching
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Import Error')
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

out_path = './results/'
# We consider two different times
times = [3,4]
segmentation_list, feature_space_list, back_id_list = [], [], []

for ind, val in enumerate(times):
    img = imread(data_path('time_' + str(val) + '_seg.inr'))

    # subimage extraction
    shape = img.get_shape()
    indices = [0,shape[0]-1,0,shape[1]-1,0,5]
    img = img.get_region(indices=indices)

    # remove small cells
    labels = np.unique(img).tolist()
    img = labels_post_processing(img, method='labels_erosion', radius=2)
    img[img==0] = np.min(labels)
    img = SpatialImage(img, voxelsize=img.get_voxelsize())

    # save input labeled images
    res_name = 'example_track_time_' + str(val) + '_seg.inr'
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img)

    labels = np.unique(img).tolist() # list of labels
    back_id = np.min(labels) # background identifier

    # feature space computation
    obj_gf = GeometricalFeatures(img, label=labels)
    feature_space = obj_gf.compute_feature_space()
    segmentation_list.append(img), feature_space_list.append(feature_space)

# temporal matching
obj_tm = TemporalMatching(segmentation_list=segmentation_list,

# computation of admissible matching
adm_match_list = obj_tm.get_admissible_matching_list()

# matching criterion (default is None)
criterion='Jaccard coefficient'
# computation of normalized matching costs
norm_cost_list = obj_tm.compute_normalized_cost(adm_match_list,

poss_opt = ['matching','iterative_matching']
opt = 'matching'

if opt in poss_opt:
    if opt=='matching':
        # appear/disappear cost
        alpha_cost = int((80/100.0)*obj_tm.max_cost)
        # matching
        matching_dict = obj_tm.matching(norm_cost_list, alpha_cost)
    elif opt=='iterative_matching':
        # initial graph
        init_graph = obj_tm.build_init_graph(norm_cost_list)
        # iterative matching
        matching_dict = obj_tm.iterative_matching(norm_cost_list, init_graph)

    # write a dictionary of matching
    pkl_path = ''.join([out_path, 'example_track_matching_dict.pkl'])
    pkl_file = open(str(pkl_path), 'wb')
    # save as pickle object (serialization)
    pickle.dump(matching_dict, pkl_file)

    # resulting images
    img_list = obj_tm.res_images(matching_dict)
    # save results
    res_name = 'example_track_initial_cells.inr'
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img_list[0])
    res_name = 'example_track_final_cells.inr'
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img_list[1])
    res_name = 'example_track_disapp_cells.inr'
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img_list[2])
    res_name = 'example_track_app_cells.inr'
    imsave(out_path+res_name, img_list[3])
    print('Poss. opt :'), poss_opt