

Those who have contributed to timagetk have received support throughout the years from a variety of sources.


timagetk ackowledges support from the following:

Research Groups

timagetk ackowledges support from the following:


This section aims to provide a list of people that have contributed to timagetk. Creating an exhaustive list of contributors is difficult, and the list is almost certainly incomplete. Contributors include bug reporters, testers, end users and academic advisors.

Algorithm development: G.Malandain, G.Michelin, S.Ribes, C.Godin.

Python wrapping: G.Baty, S.Ribes, G.Malandain, C.Pradal.

Python APIs: C.Godin, G.Malandain, S.Ribes, G.Baty.

Unit tests, tests: G.Baty, S.Ribes, G.Malandain, G.Michelin, A.Konig, A.Kiss-Gabor.

Examples: S.Ribes, G.Malandain, C.Godin, G.Cerutti, H.Oliveri, J.Legrand, F.Boudon, S.Artzet, C.Pradal.